Many folks dealing with cancer challenges or caring for family members and friends facing cancer, email us each year for advice and suggestions. After having cared for and lost our precious daughter-in-law Briana to breast cancer before her 32nd birthday in 2008, our goal has been to find and share complementary immune support options that doctors, researchers, and individuals have used to help their patients or themselves. IMPORTANT! Ideas you read about on this site DO NOT REPLACE treatments prescribed by your licensed health care professionals. They are options offered for your consideration to use as you may wish on your healing path.
NO One can Promise or Guarantee a Cure for Cancer
Unfortunately, this is true even for your doctors and oncologists. But there are alternative diet, nutritional supplements, natural medicines…including pure steam-distilled essential oils, and lifestyle choices we can make to give our immune systems a fighting chance to heal and recover.
Encouraging trial research is being done in the USA and in Oman with Frankincense for immune support in clinical cancer treatments. Access to the doctors and scientists doing this research is currently restricted. I’ve attempted to put some of our readers in touch with them, but came up against privacy walls from resources, who could have shared contact information.THE GOOD NEWS! Individuals and families can still use Frankincense for immune support in safe, do-it-yourself ways. Since we receive many requests for this information, I created a handy instructional packet (PDF) describing TWO detailed step-by-step, easy-to-follow Frankincense uses. The PDF includes resource links for purchasing Frankincense. Plus reference links about current research being done with Frankincense cancer therapies in the USA and abroad. Other ideas for immune support are discussed in our articles (temporarily unavailable) and the reader comments: FRANKINCENSE Essential Oil for Healing Body, Mind & Spirit | ORANGE ~ Therapeutic Essential Oil As an Adjunct Cancer Therapy | Holistic Cancer Treatment Alternatives & Disease Prevention Therapies | Conquering Cancer ~ Breakthrough Healing Protocols . Please work with your medical doctor while using any alternative cancer immune support supplements. Ask him/her to track your blood markers to see how your body responds. Best wishes to each of you and your loved ones in their healing journeys.
Get Frankincense Immune-BoostingProtocols
Many folks dealing with cancer challenges or caring for family members and friends facing cancer, email us each year for advice and suggestions. After having cared for and lost our precious daughter-in-law Briana to breast cancer before her 32nd birthday in 2008, our goal has been to find and share complementary immune support options that doctors, researchers, and individuals have used to help their patients or themselves.
Purchase Here (temporarily unavailable)