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Cynthe Brush

Certified Clinical (Medical) Aromatherapist Creating Custom Blends Since 1999

FRANKINCENSE Essential Oil for Healing Body, Mind & Spirit

frankincense essential oil
Immunologist Mahmoud Suhail is hoping to open a new chapter in the history of frankincense... "Cancer starts when the DNA code within the cell's nucleus becomes corrupted," he says.

Great Frankincense Testimonial

Received an incredible healing testimonial on Frankincense essential oil via email that I want to share with our readers right away, especially those of you who may be facing cancer challenges in your lives or who know folks dealing with it.

This woman’s testimonial is corroborated by a recent BBC article on Frankincense’s effectiveness to cure cancer published FEB 2010.

Here’s an excerpt: Immunologist Mahmoud Suhail is hoping to open a new chapter in the history of frankincense…
“Cancer starts when the DNA code within the cell’s nucleus becomes corrupted,” he says. “It seems frankincense has a re-set function. It can tell the cell what the right DNA code should be. “Frankincense separates the ‘brain’ of the cancerous cell – the nucleus – from the ‘body’ – the cytoplasm, and closes down the nucleus to stop it reproducing corrupted DNA codes.”

Working with frankincense could revolutionise the treatment of cancer. Currently, with chemotherapy, doctors blast the area around a tumour to kill the cancer, but that also kills healthy cells, and weakens the patient. Treatment with frankincense could

eradicate the cancerous cells alone and let the others live.

SOURCE: https://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/middle_east/8505251.stm

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Cynthe’s COMMENTS: Scientists tend to take the typical pharmaceutical approach of attempting to isolate Framkincense essential oil’s active anti-cancer compounds, leading to problems with other chemical constituents that may cause other health issues (allergic reactions), when used singly. We need to respect these incredible essences, learning to use them WHOLE  just as Source has wisely created them.

*   *   *
Just received additional info on Frankincense.  But, first, a bit of background on the following comments & testimonial…

Young Living Essential Oil Company holds an educational convention annually for their dealer network and for individuals interested in learning more about the company and its products. The 2010 convention was last week. One benefit of YLO folks gathering together is the opportunity to exchange personal healing stories using these immune supportive essential oils.

Here’s more information from Dr. Suhail (the scientist quoted in the BBC article), who was a guest speaker at last week’s Young Living Essential Oils annual convention:

“Dr Suhail, mentioned in the article, was at [the YLO] Convention for the whole time and gave a presentation along with being on a panel….I ran into Dr. Suhail at the [Young Living] farm and he gave me and the people I was with some Omani frankincense nuggets. We chewed them and it was quite pleasant, even though I was trying to get it out of my teeth for the rest of the day.

While he works in Oman as a physician, he said they can’t do clinical cancer research there because nobody* [in Oman] has cancer. There are NO cancer units at the two hospitals there. He sees 1 or 2 people with cancer every couple of years and I think he said those are people who have lived outside the country. The local people chew the frankincense resin and also soak it overnight and drink the water, so it is very much a part of their lives.

Yes, the scientific researchers are always looking for the one ingredient that is the magic bullet… and perhaps there is value in that for something. However, I agree with you that the magic is in the wholeness, not the parts. I’m sure Dr. Suhail knows that too, as he spoke a lot about the healing properties of the resin and oil.”

Don’t remember if he said ‘all of Oman’ or the area he’s living in (I think he’s in the capital, Salalah). Don’t think Oman is very big, though. I think Dr. Suhail said there were around 2 million people in Oman.

Just did a little Google search. * An article from 2006 says that they get 1,000 cases a year in the country [Oman], mostly breast, prostate and childhood leukemia.

So apparently, there is some cancer there, but not nearly at the rate of the rest of the world. This rate also might be a reflection of the more “modern” people who travel and have a more Western lifestyle.
~ BR

Here’s the inspiring testimonial, word-for-word, via BR:

A YL distributor I was chatting with called someone over to share her oil story with me. I was very moved as I listened to this woman’s account of her experience with cancer, its recurrence, and how frankincense essential oil literally saved her life.

She told me that she’d been previously diagnosed with breast cancer, used frankincense essential oil and the cancer went into remission. The cancer came back with a vengeance after seven years. This time it was affecting many areas of her body. I can’t remember exactly, but I think she mentioned the brain as well as other areas.

always buy the best essential oils

After receiving chemotherapy and radiation treatments, the doctors told her that there was nothing else they could do and that she had six months to live. She started using frankincense essential oil aggressively. She “rubbed it all over” [her] body and took six capsules a day.

She said….she owed it to her family, and especially her children, to fight for her life. And that since she’d succeeded in beating the cancer before, she could do it again. I think it’s very significant that this woman was empowered with a strong belief in healing herself and didn’t collapse under the death sentence of the doctors. I don’t remember the exact length of time…she marinated in and ingested frankincense oil, but I think she said that in 1.5 months she was cancer free.

I will try to reconnect with this woman and get a more complete report. If I can do that, I’ll pass along what I find out to you. Of course, everyone is different. One person’s life path and healing will not necessarily be the same as another’s. But what a great inspiration to know…we have such precious healing substances right at our fingertips and can freely share with others whose health and lives could potentially be transformed just by receiving this information.

FRANKINCENSE (Boswellia carterii & Boswellia sacra), traditional Middle Eastern holy anointing essential oils

Frankincense Tree being tapped for its resinous sap
Frankincense Tree being tapped for its precious sap

Various species of Frankincense have been revered for thousands of years and were used in ceremonies & traditional rituals as incense to improve communication with Source / Creator / God / Spiritual Guidance….whatever term is meaningful to us. The ancient Egyptians also used Frankincense to fumigate their homes, as a general cure for all diseases, in cosmetics, perfumes,and embalming.

PROPERTIES: Anti-Catarrhal, Anti-Depressant, Anti-Infectious, Anti-Inflammatory, Antiseptic, Anti-Tumoral, Expectorant, Immune-stimulant (increases leukocyte activity to defend the body against infection), supports Nerves, prevents Scarring, Sedative.

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~ Emotionally: Frankincense promotes acceptance, emotional balance & stability, offers protection, fortitude, courage & resolution; increases introspection, spiritual awareness & inspiration, is an aid in meditative practices & prayerwork.

~ Physically: Frankincense supports the immune, bronchial, cardiovascular, digestive systems; nerves; skin, and is protective against many ailments & diseases such as diphtheria, gonorrhea, jaundice, herpes, meningitis, syphilis, TB, typhoid.

FRENCH MEDICAL USES: Asthma, Depression, Ulcers.

Frankincense Tears (Resin)
Frankincense ‘Tears’ (chunks of dried resin before distillation)

Other Health Uses

Bronchial System:
Useful for Bronchitis, Catarrah, Colds & Coughs, Laryngitis, Pneumonia. Boswellic acid (present is Frankincense) has been shown to be equivalent to a high potency dose of steroids;
One of the few Anti-Tumoral therapeutic essential oils. At a 2010 educational onvention, Dr. H. K. Lin from University of Oklahoma discussed using Boswellic acid (from Frankincense) to destroy a variety of cancer cells successfully. He also stated Frankincense used daily ~ Frankincense resin chewed like gum or soaked in water overnight and drunk upon arising ~  is a cancer preventive.
Helpful for High Blood Pressure, Hemorrhaging;
Digestive support:
Traditionally used to treat Diarrhea, heals Ulcers;
Endocrine Support:
Stimulates the Limbic system, Oxygenates the Hypothalamus, Pineal & Pituitary glands;
Immune support:
Frankincense resin has a high percentage of polysaccharides, boswellic acid and incensol which act as curatives and preventives in the human body. Frankincense is known to have DNA repair properties and cancer prevention properties because of the presence of alpha-pinenes, boswellic acid, and incensol which is considered very powerful for helping those with chronic degenerative diseases.
Nervous System: Heals brain damage, relieves Neuralgia & Sciatica;
Oral health:
Sore throats & & Strep infections;
Prostate Issues
Skin regeneration:
Aging, Infections – Staph, Insect repellent & soothes Insect / Snake Bites, is a remedy for Herpes, for Scarring, heal Sores & Wounds, Warts;
Stress & Tension:
Useful for counteracting Depression, Headaches, Stress, Tension, promotes positive attitudes;

*   *   *
Essential Oils for Physical Health & Well Being by Linda L. Smith. ISHA, JULY 2005.
Reference Guide for Essential Oils, Tenth Editionfrankincense essential oil by Alan & Connie Higley. Abundant Health, OCT 2006.
The Fragrant Heavensfrankincense essential oil, The Spiritual Dimension of Fragrance and Aromatherapy by Valerie Ann Worwood. Novato, CA: New World Library, 1999.

Frankincense Tears ~ dic.academic.ru/dic.nsf/ruwiki/61576
Frankincense Tree ~ anukshre.wordpress.com/author/anukshre/page/5/

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The educational information, traditional folk remedies, current health discoveries & uses described on this site & blog about therapeutic essential oils & hydrosols do not replace standard medical practices of any country.

Under the scope of my CCA clinical training & ethical professional practices, I am not permitted to diagnose, prescribe, or make medical claims. For medical issues, always obtain an accurate diagnosis from your licensed medical practitioner before working with a certified essential oils consultant educator.

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